Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Strimoo is your ultimate destination for finding the best coupons and discounts on a wide range of products and services. We partner with retailers worldwide to bring you exclusive deals and savings.
Using a coupon is simple. Just browse our website, find the coupon or deal you want, and click the "Get Coupon" button. Copy the code and apply it during checkout on the retailer's website.
No, you can browse and use coupons on Strimoo without creating an account. However, signing up allows you to save your favorite deals and receive personalized recommendations.
Coupons may not work for several reasons, including expiration, usage limits, or inapplicable conditions. Make sure to check the coupon's terms and conditions before using it.
You can reach out to us via email at We are happy to assist with any issues or questions you may have.
Use the search bar on our homepage to type in the name of the store. Strimoo will display all available coupons and deals for that retailer.
We are currently working on launching a mobile app. In the meantime, our website is fully optimized for mobile browsers for a seamless experience.
Yes, all coupons and deals on Strimoo are completely free to access and use.
Yes, if you have a valid coupon or deal, you can submit it through our "Submit a Coupon" feature. Our team will review it for approval.
Strimoo regularly updates its database to ensure coupons are valid. You can also check the expiration date mentioned with each coupon.
Yes, Strimoo partners with select retailers to offer cashback on purchases. Look for deals marked with a cashback icon.
Yes, create an account to save your favorite coupons and access them anytime from your dashboard.
New coupons are added daily to ensure users have access to the latest deals and discounts.
Some coupons are specific to certain regions or countries. The location details will be mentioned in the coupon's terms.
It depends on the retailer’s policy. Some allow stacking coupons, while others only permit one coupon per transaction.
Yes, we feature exclusive promotional codes for seasonal sales like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and holiday events.
Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest deals, coupons, and exclusive offers delivered to your inbox.
Strimoo partners with various stores, including fashion, electronics, travel, groceries, and more, to cater to all shopping needs.
If a coupon isn’t working, click on the "Report" button next to the coupon. Our team will verify and address the issue promptly.
Yes, Strimoo is accessible on desktops, tablets, and smartphones for your convenience.
Yes, we frequently feature exclusive deals and discounts that you won’t find anywhere else.
To delete your account, contact our support team via They will assist you in completing the process.
Yes, Strimoo uses advanced security measures to protect your data and ensure a safe browsing experience.
While Strimoo does not sell gift cards, we list deals and discounts for retailers that do offer gift cards.
Yes, each deal has a share button to easily share it on your favorite social media platforms.
Discount codes are alphanumeric codes offered by brands to provide specific savings on purchases. Enter the code at checkout to redeem your discount.
Yes, promo codes and voucher codes are interchangeable terms that provide discounts or special offers on products and services.
You can find the latest deals and offers on platforms like Strimoo, which curates top discounts from leading brands and stores.
Special offers include unique promotions like buy-one-get-one deals, percentage discounts, and exclusive limited-time sales.
To maximize savings, combine cashback offers with discount codes and look for seasonal or flash sales.
Yes, many stores still offer printable coupons that you can redeem in person at checkout.
Cashback deals provide a percentage of your purchase amount back as cash or credit after completing a transaction.
Exclusive discounts are limited to specific groups, such as first responders, students, or loyalty members, offering extra savings.
Yes, many online stores allow you to stack promo codes on top of ongoing deals for greater savings.
Promo offers include time-sensitive deals, free shipping, and bonus items provided with purchases.
Discount vouchers reduce the price of a product, whereas gift cards are prepaid cards used to make purchases.
Limited-time offers are discounts or promotions available for a short period to encourage quick purchases.
You can save more by purchasing discounted gift cards and using them during sales or with promo codes.
Loyalty rewards are perks offered to frequent customers, including points, discounts, or exclusive access to products.
Use cashback sites, compare prices, wait for seasonal sales, and always check for available promo codes before checkout.