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Save 50% On | Magzter | Is the world's largest digital newsstand with thousands of magazines and newspapers in its catalogue.
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About Strimoo?
Magzter is a digital newsstand and magazine subscription service that provides access to thousands of magazines and periodicals from around the world.
- Digital Magazine Subscriptions: Magzter offers subscription plans that grant users access to a vast library of digital magazines. Users can choose from various subscription options, including monthly and annual plans.
- Access to Thousands of Magazines: Magzter provides access to thousands of magazines and periodicals from various categories such as lifestyle, fashion, technology, business, entertainment, sports, and more.
- Offline Reading: Subscribers can download magazines for offline reading. This feature allows users to read their favorite magazines even when they don't have an internet connection.
- Cross-Platform Access: Magzter can be accessed on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. The service is available as a mobile app for both iOS and Android devices, as well as a web-based platform.
- Customizable Reading Experience: Users can customize their reading experience, including adjusting font sizes, zooming in on images, and navigating magazines with ease.
- Back Issues: Subscribers can access back issues of magazines, allowing them to explore content from previous editions.
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